Our Social Responsibility

We Are Mindful About the Impact of Our Business on the World

You can delegate authority, but you cannot delegate responsibility.

Byron Dorgan
Being mindful about our company's social responsibilities

As a matter of fact, the Internet industry consumes enormous amounts of energy - aka the Internet Cloud's dirty secret.

We also form part of this industry - we use cloud infrastructures, servers and many services that forms part of that ecosystem. We believe and we are conscious that it is our responsibility to do whatever we can, to minimise all negative impacts. We have only one beautiful world - The Earth. And it is dying day by day. We need to wake up! It is our duty to help save the world. Every single action counts.

As a business, we want to mindfully do the following:

  1. we choose to use services and work with partners that are eco-conscious and also strongly contribute (back) to the World
  2. we will plant one tree for every sale we make - we do that by partnering with the One Tree Planted and the Eden Projects initiatives - both are non-profit organisations focused on global reforestation at their core.
  3. we will contribute 1% of our gross revenue to the planet by rallying to the One Percent For The Planet cause.

    Status: {On our roadmap}
    Note: This entails a high setup+membership fee + a thorough process. We will aim to get all that done once we are sustainable.

It goes without saying that in the above spirit, YOU (by using our services) are also indirectly being a socially responsible digital nomad / digital entrepreneur.