We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.

Every child has the right to education
Four Facts That Defines Us:
- F1) WE believe in knowledge and will always go an extra mile to learn that what we seek
- F2) WE cannot withstand seeing a child not having the possibility of getting education and hence knowledge
- F3) WE feel bad when we see so many people are not able to afford digital solutions or even an online presence
- F4) WE are passionate about helping people to the best we can, irrespective of their culture/race/gender.
Taking Control of Our Actions
Living in the present matters more than we can imagine.
As Gandalf-the-Grey rightly said:
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
WE have decided that we are going to use all the time we get to focus on:
- H1) Helping as many child as possible to get a proper education
- H2) Helping as many people as possible to afford an online presence or a world-class digital solution, because they deserve it.
Internet as an Incredible Medium
In a physical form, if WE are to physically reach our goal H1 & H2, it will take us an infinite amount of time and resource.
This obviously becomes a bandwidth problem.
In our present era, there is no better form of bandwidth as powerful as the Internet.
Via the Internet (a digital form), we can accomplish our goal H1 & H2 with a much better bandwidth.
Helping Children Around the Globe
To achieve our main goal H1, we can leverage different ways of doing this. One effective way of doing it:
- By researching+choosing trusted vehicles (NGOs or organisations or entities or even people) who are genuinely already accomplishing the noble cause of helping children. We rally+amplify their cause which is essentially ours and yours as well!
WE are confident that along the way, we will unveil more ways as we progress towards our Vision.
PS: If you have a better idea or have an alternative way, get in touch!
Helping People Who Cannot Afford an Online Presence
If you have your own online presence, consider yourself a lucky person.
To be clear, let's define an online presence as:
- having the luxury of owning your own website - it's like owning a physical house or plot
- having the opportunity to cope with all the technicalities - your house needs maintenance - plumbing, sewage, electicity, water, cooling..etc
- having someone to ask for advice/help
WE want to be able to help as many people as possible to get an online presence
Two categories of people here:
- People who can spend, but is intimidated by expensive solutions
- People who have great ideas, but cannot even spare a dollar to get online
Our Solution to Helping Everyone + Achieving Our High Purpose
If you take a moment and analyse all that we said, you will observe two main intents: helping children, helping people.
What if we can help both of them, while also making people able to help children in the process?
TOGETHER - We Help The World
Our ethos:
E1) For every single transaction (sale) that we do, we will contribute X% towards helping children get proper education
- In the process, this essentially means, YOU are also directly joining hands with us to help a child
E2) For every plan that YOU choose (buy) from us, we will take 20% of your payment and match it with 80% from our own resources, to help someone who deserve to have an online presence.
- We will trust you to identify someone who really need and deserve to have us help them freely with their online presence.
- When doing business with us, it is your money, so we trust you will invest in someone who is genuine.